Written Version
The Organization
Cidis Onlus is a non-profit organization working to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and to promote Italy as a multicultural society. The association has acquired a 30year experience in orienting and supporting migrants in understanding and participating in the host society. With offices in Umbria, Lazio, Campania e Calabria, Cidis Onlus operates in central and southern Italy to achieve cultural diversity, equal opportunities for all and social cohesion, promoting intercultural dialogue and fighting prejudice, racism and xenophobia.
Cidis Onlus is in charge of migrants’reception projects and is part of the SPRAR (Italian System for the Protection of Asylum Seekers and Refugees) network. When hosting asylum seekers and refugees (among them unaccompanied minors and women), cidis onlus meets their first-line reception needs (housing) and provides them with legal assistance, cultural mediation, information and orientation in accessing the job market, health services, social activities, language tuition courses. Cidis works on self reliance plans based on individual needs and aspirations and compatible with the local context.
On top of its reception activities, Cidis Onlus implements activities ranging from managing intercultural mediation Agencies, to designing capacity building programs for multicultural services, offering Professional training and promoting job opportunities for vulnerable target groups. The association carries out information, sensitization and social engagement activities promoting intercultural dialogue by using different tools from the production of photos exhibition and videos, to the organizations of events and the publishing of books. Through its communication Action, Cidis Onlus aims at bringing positive focus on the issue of diversity and raising European citizens’ awareness and understanding of complex global migration issues. For more information on our activity check our website and social network www.cidisonlus.org
Role in the VAI project
Cidis Onlus is contributing to the implementation of the VAI project in both the Capacity building and Establishing volunteering opportunities actions through the testing of tools designed to enhance migrants’participation in voluntary groups and the setting up of the network of relevant actors to support migrants’ volunteering. Cidis Onlus will also contribute to the diffusion and promotion of the project among its network of Italian local institutions, NGOS and individuals supporting the association.
Our Expectations
How can volunteering among immigrants be better used in order to increase the participation of third country nationals in society? Through its participation in the VAI project CIDIS Onlus is hoping to learn more about volunteering as an important tool in the strengthening of social cohesion both at a local and European level. Migrant can and should be allowed to give a fundamental contribution in shaping our society. Volunteering could be a great opportunity to bring people together.
Contact Details
Centro di Informazione, Documentazione e Iniziativa per lo Sviluppo
Via della Viola 1
Perugia 06122
Visit the homepage of CIDIS Onlus